Lemonade Fast Or Cleanser
Organic Lemons (Not pre-made juice)
Real Maple Syrup (Grade B Preserved)
Cayenne Pepper
Purified Water (Not Tap Water)
You are going to make lemonade and your taste buds are all different. So, make it to your taste, try this:
64 oz. water (Purified, Not Tap)
2 -Lemons Squeezed
2T Maple Syrup
Pinch of cayenne pepper
(Add more lemon or syrup for taste)
This can be for 1-14 days. Do not drink coffee , soda, alcohol, milk, or tea during the "Lemonade Fast or Cleanser". When coming off the fast, eat lightly. Only, consume raw fruit & vegetables. You should keep portions small & continue to drink plenty of water for hydration.
*Note: You may still take your herbal supplements & your required pharmaceutical medications during this fast.