

Rhonda Dial, Master Herbalist


“Feed the body the food it needs and it has the God given ability to heal itself”.


Rhonda Dial is a Master Herbalist, with over four decades of experience.  Her expertise is showing how specific whole foods (herbs) nourish the body, and are easily assimilated by the body to produce good health.


Rhonda speaks regularly all over the country on the subject of gaining and maintaining optimal health.  She specializes in identifying the herbs that bring balance to all the systems of the body such as circulatory, respiratory, digestion, elimination and structural.  Her numerous speaking engagements over the past 30 plus years have included Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals, Chiropractors and Nurses. She also speaks at National Conventions, Churches, Garden Clubs, Civic Groups, and Seminars. She teaches classes from time-to-time. Rhonda does one-on-one consultations to identify the specific nutrients needed by the body.  Her one-on-one consultations are by appointment.


Rhonda felt a calling into her herbal ministry due to first-hand experiences on several life shattering health problems all of which were alleviated by the use of natural, non-invasive methods culled from the wisdom of God-given remedies. Rhonda’s past health problems included colon problems of such a severe degree that the medical doctors wanted to remove her colon; fainting spells everyday from eight years of age due to blood sugar problems; post partum blues which left her in such a depression that everything, including Clorox commercials, made her cry.  The most dramatic success story regarding the use of herbs and the most touching to Rhonda’s heart was the recovery of her own infant son who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and given “no hope” for recovery.  One of the devastations wreaked by Cystic Fibrosis is an inability to reproduce.  Today, Rhonda’s son is grown and a proud father of his own four sons.


Rhonda is the wife of Phillip Dial and the mother of five children, Rebekah, Ariel, Preston, Dusty and Drew, with eleven grandchildren.


    “Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”   Ezekiel 47:12 NIV

    “The natural force within each one of us is the greatest healer of disease.”   Hippocrates


About Herbal Homestead

Our focus is to educate you on how good nutrition and sound dietary practices can benefit each individual.


We carry herbs and supplements, essential oils and helpful educational materials.

We offer seminars approximately three to four times a year sponsored by Nature's Sunshine Products. For over 40 years we have been distributing the highest quality herbs and supplements available. We are a proud distributor of Nature’s Sunshine Products and Touchstone Essentials Products.


We also have a network of various health practitioners, chiropractors; colonic therapists and massage therapists we can recommend.


When people come into our store(s), many times they are looking for a product they may have heard about on T.V. or read about in a magazine. Often it sounds like the “magic pill” that cures all things. We will then begin to ask questions to determine specifically what product they will need to address their particular situation. We feel this is important because they won’t waste time or money!


We invite you to come see us to learn more about the historical benefits of herbs. More specifically we will make you think about what you can do to improve your health from a nutritional perspective and enjoy life!

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